Are Your Cavities Hiding From You?

In a perfect world, you'd take such good care of your teeth that you won't ever be bothered by tooth decay. This would put you in the minority (only 11% of Australian adults have never experienced tooth decay). Ideally, you would take care of your teeth and so wouldn't have had many cavities in total—and this is a more realistic proposition. But sometimes a cavity can remain difficult to spot yourself, and can often only be discovered during a dental examination. [Read More]

3 Dental Procedures You Might Still Need As A Grown Adult

When it comes to dentistry a lot of people try and steer clear of the subject altogether. It can lead to awkward reminders about how long it has been since your last check-up and how bad you have been about your day-to-day oral hygiene. However, it is important to remember that just because you are no longer a kid does not mean that a bunch of issues that primarily face children cannot happen to you. [Read More]

Don't Wait Any Longer: 3 Services You Need From Your Dentist

If you've been ignoring your dental care, you're putting your teeth at risk for problems. If you're not experiencing any dental pain, you might think you can avoid the dentist. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Ignoring routine dental care puts you at risk for a variety of dental problems. Before you postpone your trip to the dentist any longer, read the list below. You'll find three services you can get from your dentist that will help you avoid dental problems down the road. [Read More]

5 Common Patient Questions About Full Dentures

Patients that have few remaining healthy teeth often turn to full or complete dentures to restore the function and aesthetics of their smile. Before the transition to full dentures, many patients often wonder if they are making the right choice. If you have any questions about full dentures, make sure you ask your dentist. The following questions address some of the most common issues that patients have before moving to full dentures. [Read More]