
Don't Wait Any Longer: 3 Services You Need From Your Dentist

If you've been ignoring your dental care, you're putting your teeth at risk for problems. If you're not experiencing any dental pain, you might think you can avoid the dentist. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Ignoring routine dental care puts you at risk for a variety of dental problems. Before you postpone your trip to the dentist any longer, read the list below. You'll find three services you can get from your dentist that will help you avoid dental problems down the road.

5 Common Patient Questions About Full Dentures

Patients that have few remaining healthy teeth often turn to full or complete dentures to restore the function and aesthetics of their smile. Before the transition to full dentures, many patients often wonder if they are making the right choice. If you have any questions about full dentures, make sure you ask your dentist. The following questions address some of the most common issues that patients have before moving to full dentures.

Key Dental Hygiene Tips for Young Children

If you set your child up with good oral hygiene in their early years, you'll be giving them good habits they can use for a lifetime. But as any parent knows, getting young children into any type of routine can feel challenging. This is especially the case when they become toddlers and develop some autonomy. While you may not master the task with perfection, there are certain actions you can take to make life easier for both of you.

Jaw Stiffness After Dental Implant Surgery: Is It Normal?

Dental implants are quite impressive in that their placement is incredibly intricate, while also being a routine (and comfortingly predictable) surgical procedure. Your dentist will make an incision in your gingival tissues to access the part of your jaw (the alveolar ridge) where the implant will be placed. Considering that a foreign object (the titanium alloy implant) has been placed in your body, some healing is to be expected. This healing is actually how the implant stabilises itself, allowing it to function as an artificial tooth root for the prosthetic tooth that will be attached to it.

When a Knocked Out Tooth Can't Be Found

What do you need to do when an accident has knocked out one of your teeth? You need to hurry. Avulsed teeth (which is the formal term for teeth that have detached from their dental sockets) can be re-implanted and splinted to their neighbours until they heal—but only if you rush, as every minute counts. And of course, this method is only possible if you can find the tooth. What do you need to do when a tooth has been knocked out, but cannot be located?

Has Your Dentist Recommended A Root Canal? What You Risk By Postponing The Treatment

If you're dreading the thought of scheduling your root canal, you might be doing more harm than good. Root canals are needed when teeth are injured, or when there's a deep cavity. Unfortunately, many people try to avoid root canals. If that's what you're doing, it's time to schedule your appointment. If you're not sure why you need to stop procrastinating, read the list provided below. You'll find four problems you'll face if you don't have your root canal done as soon as possible.

Do Your Teeth Move After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

You might not have even realised how troublesome your wisdom teeth were until your dentist extracted them. Without truly knowing it, your unwelcome wisdom teeth had been responsible for a recurring selection of dental problems, ranging from pericoronitis (inflamed and swollen gum tissues) to the discomfort associated with overcrowding (too many teeth in a jaw that's too small for them). Your overall bite will be improved now that your wisdom teeth have been safely extracted, but it's surprisingly easy to mistake some of these improvements for potential problems.

Are You Seeing Your Dentist Enough?

Dentists perform a vital service that helps millions of Australians a year, but still, many more try to avoid them as much as they can. For some reason, the idea of getting your teeth inspected and potentially minor procedures done on them makes a large percentage of the population uncomfortable. This, unfortunately, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts because the longer you go without seeing the dentist, the greater your chances of needing to see one for a more serious cleaning or even an operation.

Key Reasons to Have an Emergency Dentist's Contact Information

When you have a dental emergency, such as a knocked-out tooth, you should see an emergency dentist as soon as possible. Sadly, many people don't have an emergency dentist's contact information for such situations. Some people think that they can drop by any dental clinic and have their problem addressed immediately. However, nothing could be further from the truth because dental emergencies are best handled by an emergency dentist. This article highlights reasons to keep an emergency dentist's contact information.

Are Same Day Dentures Right for You?

Also known as immediate dentures, same-day dentures are dentures that are ready to use on the same day that your natural teeth are removed. They can be complete or partial dentures. They are a great option for people who do not want to spend a period of time living with missing teeth, but they are not always a perfect, permanent solution. Here are some facts about same-day dentures to help you decide if they are right for you.