Oral Health and Genetic Risk Factors

Helpful Tips for Bringing Others to the Dentist With You

When you think about going to the dentist, you might think about going on your own. There might be times when you will want or need to bring others along with you, though. If you're going to be bringing others with you to your upcoming dental appointment, these are some of the things you'll probably want to know.

Consider the Benefits of Bringing Someone With You 

First of all, you should know that there are times when it can be beneficial to bring someone to the dentist with you. Many people have fears of going to the dentist, for example. If you are one of these people, you might be a bit nervous about your appointment. Bringing a friend, your spouse or partner, or a family member with you to the dentist can be a good way to feel a little less nervous since your loved one can provide a bit of emotional support. Choosing a good dentist who has experience in helping people who have dental anxiety can help with this a lot, too, as can asking about things like sedation dentistry. In addition to bringing someone with you, talking to your dentist about your fears can help you find ways to make your dental appointment a little less frightening and unpleasant.

There are other times when bringing someone to the dentist with you might make sense. For example, if you don't have childcare, you might not have much of a choice to bring your children along with you to your appointment. If you're going to be sedated or if you're having a painful procedure done, your dentist might advise you to bring along someone who can drive you home and make sure you get home safely.

Schedule a Family Member's Appointment on the Same Day

In some cases, it makes sense to schedule your family members' appointments at the dentist for the same day. If you see a regular family dentist, they may be able to provide the dental care that is needed by everyone in your family. Scheduling everyone's appointments on the same day and at similar times can help you ensure your family gets the dental care they need, all while making things convenient.

Keep Children Entertained 

If you are going to be bringing your children with you to the dentist, you may want to consider how you will keep them entertained, such as when you're in the waiting room. Many dental offices have books or toys for kids to play with, but bringing along your own entertainment for your little ones probably isn't a bad idea.

Find out more about how to make your dentist visit more enjoyable.
