When Bonding Gives You and Edge: How Edge Bonding Can Restore Worn Teeth
All materials, no matter how tough or durable, eventually begin to erode. In regards to teeth, which come together every time you eat something or exert yourself, erosion is a foregone conclusion. It is normal then, as you age, for your teeth to become shorter. They may also experience wear and tear around the edges, giving your teeth a jagged or uneven appearance.
Naturally, chipped teeth that have an irregular surface edge negatively affect your smile. This, in turn, may lower your confidence and hinder your ability to socialize and express yourself. Fortunately, a cosmetic dental treatment that cosmetic dentists call "edge bonding" can restore worn teeth.
Edge Bonding for the Smile Zone
When you smile, it is typical for just the upper six teeth to be on display. You usually use these teeth for cutting or tearing food. Over time then, it is only natural that they become worn around the edges, giving them an uneven appearance. The same thing happens to the bottom six teeth; however, these teeth tend not to be visible when you smile.
A cosmetic dentist can solve this problem by using composite resin, a tooth-coloured material, which they can add to teeth in order to build them up. Once the dentist has sculpted the composite resin to achieve the desired look, they use light technology to harden the material. Afterwards, they polish the bonding until it is indistinguishable from your natural tooth structure.
Take Care When Eating
Composite bonding is not as strong as enamel. In fact, it is considerably weaker. This is one reason that some patients might opt for porcelain veneers instead of bonding, since porcelain is comparable in terms of durability. However, your composite bonding can last for years providing you avoid placing it under too much strain.
In other words, when eating something like an apple, be aware of the way you bite into it so that you don't inadvertently break off the composite bonding.
Can Edge Bonding Benefit Other Teeth?
Unfortunately, edge bonding is not applicable for premolar or molars. You use pre-molars and molars to grind your food, which means that these teeth are under much more strain than the teeth in your smile zone.
If your back teeth are worn, dental crowns are the best option since they are durable as well as almost identical, in appearance, to your natural teeth. Composite bonding is a cheaper and faster alternative to porcelain veneers. In just one visit, a cosmetic dentist can use edge bonding to give the teeth in your smile zone a smoother and more even edge so that you can smile with confidence.