Oral Health and Genetic Risk Factors

Teaching With Braces: 5 Reasons You Won't Regret Getting Braces as a Teacher

Are you considering getting braces as a teacher? You'll likely be wondering just how much braces might impact your ability to teach your students, and that's understandable. After all, your ability to speak clearly, while looking the part of a professional, is an important aspect of the job.

However, have you considered the possible benefits? Despite the obvious affect on your appearance, there are several benefits that could actually make your teaching experience more enjoyable as well as more beneficial to your students.

Your Appearance Doesn't Have to Suffer

The first thing most teachers worry about when getting braces is their appearance. Will they still look professional? Will students still respect them?

These are valid questions that will be addressed in more detail later, but the first thing to consider is that there are several less noticeable options available to you. You don't have to settle for a typical metal braces. Instead you could choose:

  • Lingual braces: Lingual braces correct the teeth in the smile zone, i.e., the 6 teeth that are visible when you smile. These braces attach to the back of your teeth, which makes them virtually invisible.
  • Invisalign: Invisalign are great for teachers as they can be removed at any time and allow you to practice oral hygiene easily and whenever you wish. Much like clear mouth guards, Invisalign aligners fit over your teeth and are less noticeable than traditional braces.
  • Ceramic braces: These braces are closer in appearance to traditional metal braces, with the main difference being that the brackets and wires are clear or tooth-coloured.

Dental Adhesive Will Protect Your Lips and Cheeks

At first, there will be an adjustment period as you learn to speak with your braces. However, if you plan accordingly and get your braces during a school break, you will have plenty of time to practice speaking comfortably with your braces.

Dental adhesive, a waterproof paste, can protect your lips and cheeks from soreness and chaffing that comes from speaking a lot.

You'll Have Something in Common with Your Students

It is likely that many of your students will have braces. This gives you an opportunity to relate to them in ways you couldn't before. You can share stories, exchange tips on how to better care for your braces and mouth, and keep up with each other's progress.

You Can Educate Your Students on Braces

There will also be students in your classes that are considering getting braces. Not only will you serve as a reassuring example to them, but you can also teach these students the ins and outs of braces.

You can also serve as a lesson to them, and remind them that getting braces now means they won't have to get braces as an adult.

It Will Make Your Classes more Interesting

There will be times when your students ask questions about your braces, such as how they feel, and whether or not it's difficult to pronounce certain words. This is a great opportunity to interact with your students. You can make it fun by attempting to do tongue twisters and telling stories of your struggles.

The options and benefits are endless.

If you are contemplating getting braces as a teacher and are worried about how they might affect your life both as an adult and a teacher, talk to a dentist, such as those at Perfect Smiles Orthodontics. Whatever questions and fears you may have can be addressed and you can also explore the options available to you. Remember, around 20% of brace wearers are adults, so you will be far from alone.
