Different Oral Sores and Infections You Could Develop
Oral infections and sores are something everyone has to contend with at one time or another. However, just because these sores and infections are common does not mean they should be brushed off. If you have developed a soft tissue irritation in your mouth whether on your inner cheeks or gums, it is prudent to establish what it is. This way, you would know what treatment options are best and whether they are a symptom of an underlying dental problem. Paying a visit to your dentist would be crucial so as to ensure that the soft tissue infection does not become exacerbated. Here are some of the different oral sores and infections that you could develop.
Canker sores
These types of sores tend to be mistaken for an oral thrush infection since they also tend to be white in appearance. This is why it essential to consult a professional when you develop oral sores so that they can establish the type and provide you with the right medication. In some cases, canker sores may appear yellow in colour and have a slightly red border surrounding them. These sores typically develop on the tongue, the gum line, the throat and could even begin to appear on your lips. Canker sores are not contagious though so you do not pose the risk of spreading them to other people.
Oral candidiasis
This type of infection is commonly referred to as oral thrush. It is a fungal infection that develops either in your mouth or your throat. Candidiasis will develop due to the overgrowth of yeast in your mouth. Although yeast is typically harmless, large amounts of it in your mouth can cause you to feel sore on your tongue, throat and inner cheeks. Left unchecked, it could lead to difficulty in swallowing. Oral thrush is typically characterized by white spots on the areas affected. It would be prudent to seek the services of a dentist who can prescribe the appropriate anti-fungal medication to eliminate the infection.
Tooth abscesses
A tooth abscess is a bacterial infection that develops in your tooth. Typically, the initial symptoms include slight pain and sensitivity in the tooth. As such, some people make the mistake of assuming it is a mild case of tooth sensitivity that will go away on its own. Left unchecked though, the bacteria causing the tooth abscess begins to spread. The symptoms start becoming gradually worse and could include swollen lymph nodes accompanied by a high fever. It could also begin to affect other healthy teeth. It is prudent to see a dentist so that the bacteria is cleaned out so as to eliminate the infection.